Community Engagement

To recover unique freshwater wetland through recognition and active conservation.

Surveyors conducting dragonfly survey in Sha Lo Tung

Dragonfly Surveyors

Sha Lo Tung is home to more than 80 species of dragonflies, which represent 60% of dragonfly species in Hong Kong. Unfortunately, with previous development pressure and continuous disturbance, wetland habitats in this “dragonfly paradise” need active management, such that the dragonfly fauna in the area can be conserved.

We are recruiting students from tertiary institutions to become “Dragonfly Surveyors”. Trained surveyors will assist in updating the dragonfly inventory of Sha Lo Tung, which helps to evaluate the progress of habitat succession and rehabilitation.

For the details of the new batch of "Dragonfly Surveyor" programme, please pay close attention to this webpage.

Sha Lo Tung Guided Tour

Glistening river lights on the classic Hakka village. Situated on a fertile wetland, Sha Lo Tung awaits you to explore its uniqueness.

Schools, organizations and corporations are welcome to join the Sha Lo Tung Guided Tours in groups. Guided by professional interpreters, participants may enjoy delving into the abundant ecological features and ancestral Hakka classics on the precious wetland.

For the latest details and registration for the “Sha Lo Tung Guided Tour”, please pay close attention to this webpage.

Exploring wetland flora and fauna in Sha Lo Tung Guided tour
Sha Lo Tung in Print, a book published by Green Power

“Sha Lo Tung in Print”

From thriving farming activities to deserted fields, from Hakka villages to dragonfly paradise, from development to conservation… This book walks readers through the ecological treasure trove of Sha Lo Tung.

No. of Pages: 120

Language: Chinese

Printing: Full Colour

Price: Not for Sale

* Please contact Green Power for free copies of the book.