
Ecology refers to the environment and living organisms at a particular location and the interplay between them. Each living organism needs a different set of living conditions. The more complicated the environment, the more diverse is the variety of organisms it can nurture. Sha Lo Tung has a diverse and complex ecological environment, so has also an extremely high level of biodiversity.

constant and ample water supply in Sha Lo Tung

A Complex Ecological Environment

Sha Lo Tung is around 150 metres above sea level, and is sheltered from north to east by Pat Sin Range, and flanked on the south and west sides by Cloudy Hill, creating a secluded valley. It is also a basin in a valley, and the unique environment shelters species that are relatively rare or even absent in other parts of Hong Kong.

Three streams originating from Cloudy Hill and the Pat Sin Range flow through Sha Lo Tung, giving this gentle basin constant and ample water supply. In the past, Hakkas made use of this geographical advantage to plant paddies, creating large areas of wet farmlands which, as villagers moved out and abandoned their farmlands, became marshes - forming some of the most important habitats in the area.

Just like the other historic villages in the New Territories, villagers planted “fung shui woods” at the back of the villages. The large fung shui woods are dotted all around Sha Lo Tung, and are now home to abundant birds and other animals.

A spacious basin, extensive wetland, pristine streams, abandoned farmlands, and verdant woods all give Sha Lo Tung its diverse ecological environment, nurturing its rich biodiversity.