Common Dragonfly in Sha Lo Tung: Common Blue Jewel

Since the discovery of the Spangled Shadow-emerald (Macromidia ellenae) in the 1990s, it has been established that Sha Lo Tung is the most important dragonfly hotspot in Hong Kong. To date, over 80 species of dragonflies have been recorded there, representing over 60% of all dragonfly species in Hong Kong. They include the Chinese Tiger (Gomphidia kelloggi) and the South China Cruiser (Macromia katae) which are listed as Endangered and Vulnerable, respectively, in the Red List of Threatened Species of International Union for Conservation of Nature; and Heliogomphus retroflexus which was discovered by Green Power in 2009, and is listed in the Key Protected Animal List of China: Class II.